Fashion for me is not just about clothes, it’s mostly about the people who wear the clothes.
The connection between cultures and freedom for all women to make their own choices.
Angela Davis is an intellectual icon and feminist activist who embodies the history of the American black movement. She is 77 years old and was born in Alabama, USA. During her youth, she was marked by ultra-violent racism and sexism. She became an activist close to the Black Panthers in 1968, she was 24 years old.
In the 1970s, she took a stand and committed herself to peace in Vietnam, the end of racial discrimination in America and South Africa, and feminism. She was arrested and imprisoned for defending these causes.
A unified country
She is against the separation of society into two parts, black and white, and encourages the existence of a society in which black and white have their place. Angela will support her ideas even in her own black liberation movement which preferred a black America and another white America.
The men of his own movement questioned her leadership considering that women should be their subordinates. Angela believes that the liberation movement must fight against all forms of domination.
She also alerts on the issue of the «Black feminism». It is about the place of black women in society, because they are at the intersection of several discrimination like being women, black skin color and for some of them to be lower social class.
Angela Davis was a history professor of “awareness” at the university in Santa Cruz for 15 years.
She has published several publications on the topics of racism, feminism, and other topics such as the prison world and the conditions of minorities.
Although Angela Davis admits that she does not have the miracle solution to ensure that the minorities are no longer oppressed, she believes that any form of art, especially music, unifies people of different cultures, genres and social conditions. This pacifist means to hope and to dream of a better world. A new world.
Nathalie T.